
Rich Content 101: What It Is, Why, and How to Use It

Polina Krotovich

The global pandemic has dramatically influenced the behavior of online users and shoppers, resulting in a significant boost in e-commerce sales in recent years. Industry experts predict that the e-commerce field will continue to grow by 56% by 2026.

However, a significant challenge in the industry is the "imagination gap," where consumers struggle to fully understand a product's size, material, and color through photos and text descriptions alone. To solve this problem, rich content for e-commerce has emerged as an effective solution.

Rich content refers to any type of media that aims to actively engage users and encourage interaction with products or services before purchasing. It can take various forms, from traditional videos and images to the latest technologies such as VR, AR, AI, and ML. Research indicates that 87% of consumers consider accurate product content extremely important when making a purchase decision.

Read the full article on the MaterialCloud blog to learn why and how to use rich content to benefit your business goals →