The home improvement industry grew rapidly over past decade. But the real boom started after the Covid-19 pandemic. US statistics claim that spending on home improvement projects grew by 3% in the US in 2020.
But many businesses still faced a lot of issues. How to boost online sales? How to outshine the competitors? How to create attractive product pages? Try MaterialCloud, the world’s largest digital materials marketplace.
MaterialCloud is a game-changer for the industry when it comes to high-quality content. And visuals are definetely one of the most powerful marketing tool — 93% of online shoppers say that visual quality is the significant factor when they shop online.
Here are the most important MaterialCloud features:
• Unlimited digital materials database from 500+ industry leaders worldwide,
• Possibility to fill the online store with high-quality content fast and without additional efforts.
MaterialCloud provides a dataset of thousands of digital materials. Any type for your business needs. Among them are:
• Product images
• 3D renders,
• Videos,
• AR Visualization,
• Meta & Product Descriptions
Grow the conversions up to 20%. Enhanced content entartains your customers and creates interactive experience. Happy customers mean better sales.
AR guided experiences ensures up to a 94% higher conversion rate, according to research. Don't forget that MaterialCloud is a unique database with any type of digital content. AR visualization included.
Reduce return rate. If the shoppers can envision the product in their space before buying, they will likely make a right purchase and not going to return it
Collecting high-quality (or even okay quality) visuals is not an easy thing. Hours of searching, communication, and just to find the right sample.
MaterialCloud will get you covered!
MaterialCloud is the tool that helps you to find the niche in the industry. Enhance the customer engagement by providing interactive experience! And grow your revenue up to 84%!
MaterialCloud is now available at free limited access. Our team will be happy to show you a demo to present the service's full potential. Contact us.