Integrate our Wizart Visualizer to any app and website powered by any CMS, as well as automate information sharing between the systems as well as streamline certain processes.
wizart api integration

An API is a component that allows different platforms, applications, and systems to connect and share information with each other, and carry out diverse types of tasks. It helps you automate manual tasks to generate a smooth, effortless transition between linked applications.

Having once set up data sync using an API, you won’t have to do it manually again. This is especially important when you need to transfer large amounts of data. Let’s say, upload new collections manually, change product availability status or price, etc. An API will automate all these processes for you.

Wizart API integration

An API simplifies and facilitates integration which allow different softwares to reorganize their interrelationships according to your business’ specific needs. With API, the issue of different platforms isn`t so crucial anymore.

You can integrate various systems powered by different CMS with ease. An API will ensure better functionality and improve usability. It gives you flexibility, simplifies design and administration as well as provides opportunities for innovation.


Once you decide to equip your system with new apps and platforms, an API will become your best assistant. APIs simplify integration of the new app components into an existing architecture without any structural changes.

API customization

API allows to customize information on your websites in compliance with your and visitors' needs; create customized UI and any client-server app (Desktop, Android, IOS), customized interfaces, integrate into clients' apps, and ensures an effective complementation with third-party products or services whilst improving their development.

API advantages

API streamlines business processes, allowing to launch innovative initiatives in an agile efficient way and without spending a lot of time and money. Thus, you become more flexible than your competitors, and as a result, grow and expand faster.

API data management

Wizart API will help you get up and run with ease. You won’t have to request the original data from the manufacturers. With API, the original data will be added to your Visualizer directly through the system.

Using API, you can seamlessly integrate Wizart into your current or future web or mobile application. Virtual fitting room for your customers to select materials, try them on in any interior and complete the purchase.